Sunday 3 June 2012

Jubilee washout

So, the day has arrived and as per usual the weather has been atrocious. I don't mean just bad, I mean absolutely terrible with a constant rain all day and misty, grey skies more reminiscent of November than June. We actually put our heating on this afternoon as the outside temperature was just 10 degrees centigrade. This time last week it was 27 degrees and too hot to sit out in the garden at noon.

I feel so sorry for all the people who have arranged street parties and who have gone down to London to see the flotilla make its way down the Thames. My family are blaming me for the weather as last week I kept banging on about how I just knew this weekend would be a washout and for them to think I'm powerful enough to control the weather is a compliment indeed!

Sophie had to work most of the day as we'd put a couple of staff members off due to the fact we only had two parties and we were expecting a lot of people to be going to their own street celebrations. I picked her up at 5.30pm and she told me it was like a wet day in the February half-term...hmmm! I wish I'd taken full note of the forecast which had predicted just this sort of weather today!

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