Wednesday 15 February 2012

The things people say...

Today has been a good test of my patience, a quality I do not have in abundance. As it's half term we are very busy. In fact, it's the busiest week of our whole year and we do our utmost here to make customers' visits a pleasant experience. All of us work like trojans to clear tables, wipe up mess, sweep the floors and find seats for the customers who flood in. The weather is normally horrible, it's wet underfoot and people come here to let their children run off some excess energy.

I have lost count of the number of customers who have expressed their surprise at us being busy...what did they think we'd be like this week?? They should come back on a June afternoon when the temperature is 25 degrees outside and see us then. We'll be closing early as we'll have no customers!

One woman told me as I was passing that our toilets were "filthy, absolutely filthy" so mum and I trooped up to the loos and found some toilet paper scattered on the floor, that was all. We wiped all the surfaces down, picked up all the paper and replenished the soap but what worries me is that the woman who complained may well go home and then write a review on us on the internet, stating that our toilets resembled a hovel. And there's nothing I can do about it!

The majority of the people who have come here so far this week have been happy, but there's always a minority who find fault with everything we do, despite our best intentions. Hopefully, most of them who are unhappy will tell us so we can put it right straightaway, but there are always a few who will keep their thoughts to themselves and then moan about us to anyone who'll listen!

But anyway, I was prised out of the office today to lend a hand with washing up and clearing tables and the noise level was tremendous. Now where did I put my earplugs?!

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