Monday 27 February 2012

A sick little girl...

OK, I know Sophie's not really a little girl any more, but when she's poorly she reverts back to being my baby and I really felt for her today as she was sick first thing and the vomiting didn't let up until the early evening.

I went off to work and left her with Keith who did a great job of looking after her. We think it was just a bug and by the evening she was feeling a little bit better, but it was a worry, especially as she was looking so pale. I came home from work a little early (a good thing as I was cleaning out one of the ballponds - a horrible, tedious job) and called into the pharmacy on the way home to ask the chemist for any advice on what to give her. She told me just to keep her hydrated and I bought her some Lucozade and some bottled water for her to sip.

By the end of the evening she was feeling better but very tired and I was glad to see her with a bit more colour in her cheeks!

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