Monday 20 February 2012

Back down to Kent

Mum and I drove back down to Kent today to take Nan for her second hearing test. However, as we were half way down the M1 she called to say she didn't feel well enough to go and had cancelled it. As this was the main reason why we were travelling down, it was a bit annoying but we pushed on anyway and arrived at lunchtime.

Monday is not the best of days to go down to Kent as it's the only day we have at work to catch up with the cleaning. We did, however, go and do all her shopping for her, go to the bank and at least have an afternoon with her as she now gets very lonely during the day.

I think old age is horrible and unfair, a cruel trick played on us by Mother Nature. I sometimes get the feeling that my Nan is just waiting to die and I suspect she won't make her 93rd Birthday in December, which is a terrible shame as she was a very active lady right up until about a year ago.

All I know is, I don't want to get old!

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