Saturday 5 March 2011

Tidying up

Today dawned dry but cloudy so without further ado we ventured out into the back garden for some heavy pruning. Keith took charge with the clippers and I just watched as he cut down all the bushes that grow against our back fence. One of them was in a really sorry state so we made the decision to cut it right down to the ground, to see what would happen. Last year we did the same with one of our bushes in the gravel garden and the difference in it is amazing - it really seemed to benefit from having all the dead wood cut away.

We were left with an enormous mound of clippings so we made two trips to the local recycling centre (as tips are now called), plus another trip with a load of rubbish that was languising at the back of the garage, such as old plant pots, disgusting old plates and bowls that I thought I might find a use for and some old wood that used to be a little bench that Keith built for me a few years ago. One of the bits I threw out was an old wooden wine box that I used for summer bedding plants but which has since rotted away. They were lovely when they were new but time has taken its toll and they had to go. It all looked so much neater!

After the trips to the tip (sorry...recycling centre, which was amazingly clean and well-ordered by the way!) I raked all the leaves and bits off the lawn, swept and tidied the garage and hoovered Keith's car which resembled a shrub itself! I had my lunch in the garden watching two robins flit about on the branches, no doubt curious as to what we'd been doing all morning in their garden!

In the afternoon, Sophie and two friends walked to our (almost) local village shop but the fine weather had turned and we had a fine drizzle that soaked everything. To their due they made it in an hour but called on me to pick them up, which I was glad to do. The three of them are having a sleepover tonight in the conservatory so no doubt there'll be shrieks and giggles until well past midnight!

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