Friday 4 March 2011

Not the best of days...!

Well, I think I paid dearly today for having yesterday off! The last day of the working week has not been pleasant - we've been hectically busy all day, which wouldn't normally be a problem, but we were short-staffed so it's been hard work, especially as we were all in early to do the cleaning. I had an argument with my dad and then I slipped over on a patch of wet floor and landed face down in front of loads of people. Talk about embarrassing and painful! The noise and chaos has been incredible - just like half-term last week but it's not school holidays!

Sophie was supposed to have caught the bus home but I phoned her and asked if she could work for an hour after school as we really needed an extra pair of hands. We have no idea why we were so busy today - don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining (OK...maybe I am...) but it does help to know in advance we're going to be manic so we can plan for it!

We eventually escaped at 5.30pm out into the remains of a beautiful day and a gorgeous sunset. I'm just hoping that the weekend will be dry so that Keith and I can get out into the garden and do some tidying up. It would be great to spend a few hours in the open air and chase all these horrible winter cobwebs away!

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