Saturday 10 April 2010

Spring cleaning!

I feel very smug as I've achieved everything I wanted to get done today and the weather has been gorgeous. We had a leisurely breakfast in the sunny conservatory while picking our runners for the Grand National, then Keith put a bet on at Ladbroke's.

We tackled the garage first and what a mess it was. I actually cut my arm on the lawnmower as I went to put some washing out, so it was a case of having to do it as I'm sure if we hadn't someone would have tripped over something and maybe had a bad accident.

We made three trips to the tip and it was very busy! Obviously everyone else had the same idea! The good thing was that most of our stuff could be recycled so I didn't feel too guilty throwing it away, but I did have a pang of disappointment when I left Mikey's Dareway that I bought him for Christmas and which he has used maybe once or twice...

Keith put together a love-seat ensemble that has been gathering dust so we now have another seat to put somewhere in the garden. The only problem is that it shows up our very weathered garden table and chairs, but they looked a little better after I gave them a good wash and put the cushions on. While Keith was busy assembling, I sorted out the mess behind the garage - old chairs, two old barbecues and millions of plastic plant pots that I can recycle at a local garden centre. I had heard from neighbours that they'd seen a rat in their garden so I was very careful as I gingerly removed things! There had been some digging but that could have been the cats, and I was worried about disturbing a bird's nest as some robins had made their home there a few years back, but luckily all I found was snails and spiders! Phew!

Last thing, I took Keith's car through the car wash as I could stand it no longer and then it was home for a hot shower before mum and dad came around for a glass of wine. Dad was in pain and dreaded the thought of his arm in a sling for six weeks, but he's hoping that the pain he had will go away and he can use his arm more freely when he's recovered.

So, it's been a great day today and tomorrow we plan to tackle the gravel garden and tidy it up a bit. I'm just hoping that the weather will be kind again!

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