Friday 16 April 2010

Drinkies with Sue...

 ...Who I know is reading this!!

What a lovely end to the week - spending it with a good friend and a big jug of Pimms! Oh, and some delicious crisps and a dip...which were too hard to resist!

This week Friday has come around very quickly, probably because I had a short week. It's been another beautiful day and after work I went out into the garden to hang up a new wind chime I bought today. The skies were eerily silent because all flights have been grounded due to the volcanic ash which has covered the UK. Again, I really feel for the poor people who have had holidays planned and have to either cancel them or cut them short. The thing is, it's nobody's fault, which I think makes it somehow worse.

So, the weekend is upon us and tomorrow Sophie has two friends over for a sleepover to celebrate her birthday (even though it was ages ago!). She hasn't seen them since she broke up from school for the Easter holidays so I think there will be a lot of squealing and laughing echoing around the house tomorrow!

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