Monday 29 April 2024

No newbies...

I didn't feel good this morning, and Sophie didn't go to the gym as she felt a little hungover as well. Aren't we silly! However, I took a couple of paracetamol, had two coffees and felt a little better! My shift was busy and I had over 70 emails to deal with! As soon as I  cleared a load, more arrived!

I was enormously pleased when I made it to 4pm and could head home! I pottered about and spent the evening trying to rehydrate myself by having a big mug of tea and tonic water with lemon instead of the demon drink!

Sophie and I settled down to watch Masterchef before dinner. I had breadcrumbed the pork fillets so all I needed to do was pop them in the oven, cook the veggies and fry some mushrooms. 

Instead of six newbies this evening, the contestants were previous entrants, which we both found a little strange. If they weren't good enough before, why were they being given a second chance? We felt a little cheated as we love seeing newbies!

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