Thursday, 18 April 2024


I woke up this morning to a message from Francisco saying he would let us know about his house in December as it wasn't normally available. It was a lovely house, and convenient for the town and restaurants, so we were hoping it would work out.

At work, I noticed a text from Keith asking if we'd put anything on his credit card last night? I said no, but when I called him, he said there was a payment of £600 pending... This sent me into a complete tizzy and I could only think that Francisco had somehow charged us already! Sophie was not happy at all, and I said I would sort it out this afternoon when I got home. I was beginning to regret making the decision to go away at Christmas! 

After a busy shift, I sped home and Keith and I tried to call his bank. I had messaged Francisco but he hadn't replied. We tried in vain to get through to the bank, and it was only when I checked my emails that I realised what had happened... and felt terrible! Apparently, last night, when we'd sent the reservation request, Airbnb had temporarily put a pending payment on Keith's card to make sure there were funds available. The payment was for the house that had been declined and not Francisco at all. I'm just glad I didn't go in all guns blazing! If I'd checked my emails this morning, all this would have been avoided...

Francisco did reply and told us how payment works with Airbnb. The hosts don't get any money until two days after the guests arrive, to make sure everything is working out. They have no access at all to our methods of payment. I felt awful!

So, we still have nowhere to stay at Christmas, but there was another house we liked but in a much higher price bracket. Typical!

This evening I made dinner of savoury mince crumble and I mixed the flour and butter using my new food blender. When I wiped the knife blade I managed to slice my thumb open, which was painful and inconvenient! Keith had to help me put a couple of plasters right on the end of my thumb but I soon realised that the thumb is involved in virtually everything we do as humans! Arrgghhh!

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