Wednesday 10 April 2024

Just pottering

Today, I have been mostly pottering about and doing jobs. I felt a lot better and had more energy, so I managed to do exciting things such as clean the fridge, tidy the cupboards and tackle the shopping list. It was great knowing I hadn't got to go anywhere! I'm sure the Covid era has made me a bit of a recluse!

So, although we didn't go anywhere, I kept busy, and by the time Sophie came home from work, the house was looking lovely, we had started thinking about the meals for the rest of the week, and we could relax before cooking dinner.

Sophie cooked fajitas, and I showed Keith how to wrap one up properly so the filling didn't ooze everywhere. He ignored my advice and put so much meat, rice, cheese and nachos inside that it collapsed into a heap on his plate!  I pride myself that nothing falls out and my plate stays clean!

After dinner, Sophie and I watched the last Masterchef of the week. The food critic was Jay Rayner who wanted the contestants to make a pie. Our favourite at the moment is Lee, a Brummie who can certainly cook well. My prediction is that he will be in the final three! Watch this space!

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