Friday 28 August 2015

Some relaxation

Today has been a better day and after dropping Sophie off at work again (she has tomorrow off thank goodness) we went to Booker as there was some cash waiting for us in the form of a rebate. We saw a lovely lady called Rachel who set us up with two new cards so we can continue to shop down there.

From Booker we went to the bank to deposit the money into the work account and then went home where I studiously avoided the emails and contacted Mum about going into work in the afternoon to see April and her new baby.

Mike wanted to go to Brixworth so I dropped him off, picked up Mum and we went off to work. Thankfully the weather had been beautiful today with a lovely sky and little white fluffy clouds. We had a nice chat with Georgie who told me the finance man was due to come in...that would have pleased me as we could have had a chat and tried to sort things out, but in the end he never showed up...

April came in with her new baby boy and we did much cooing and aahhing over him. It was lovely to sit and relax for a short while and see the staff before heading off to Walgrave with Sophie who was able to finish early. Mum and Dad were viewing a house for sale there and it looks like they may have a buyer for their house but I don't think things will happen until much later in the year.

Mum and Dad weren't keen on the house so we didn't stay to look around with them. I decided to tidy up the front garden as the grass verge was a bit long and the soil needed hoeing. It looked so much better when I finished and Sophie came out to keep me company!

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