Monday 24 August 2015

Feeling a little depressed...

I didn't have far to commute this morning! I'm not so sure about working from home though! Before, I could leave all the paperwork in the office but now it's here and staring me in the face whenever I go into the conservatory. I will be very glad when all the admin is over and we can end the company!

I checked emails first thing and was dismayed to find a rather curt missive from one of the buyer's finance bods querying the amount of stock we put down and asking for a breakdown. He ended by saying that if we did this they would consider whether to purchase it from us or not! Seeing as most of it would probably have been sold or used by now, this was very annoying news.

It put me in a bad mood for the rest of the morning which was spent doing the final payroll and writing out all the P45s. Keith and I then headed into work so I could borrow the fax and it was already very busy. Georgie was in the office with another member of the staff from Unity so I felt a little uncomfortable intruding on their work. To make matters worse I had problems with the fax machine as it had been turned off and I couldn't get it going again. To be honest I felt like having a little cry!

Luckily, I managed to get it going and then we left, heaving a huge sigh of relief. Polly looked a bit under pressure on Reception and it was lovely to walk out (into the rain) and go to Tesco to get dinner for the next couple of nights.

We went to Kettering and I treated Keith to a sandwich and a cup of tea in Costa Coffee before we bought food for dinner and some snacks for Sophie who had Laura and Daisy around.

The rain continued for the rest of the day and was, at times, really heavy. I felt a wee bit depressed, to be honest. This time last year we were enjoying the sun and blue skies in Florida and thinking of that made me a bit teary. Sophie went off to have her nails done in the late afternoon and I sat outside to wait for her. watching the rain pour down the windscreen and thinking it was more like a late Autumn day than summer.

Back home I gave Keith a lift to the pub and prepared macaroni cheese for dinner. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day!

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