Thursday 13 August 2015

Plumbing...a new career?

As predicted, we were busy today as the weather forecast was for thunderstorms moving north from the continent. Although we never actually saw any thunder and lightening during the day, we did get some rain in the afternoon and people flocked in as they'd obviously been watching the weather reports.

Everything was going fine and I was in the kitchen keeping up with the washing up when Polly rushed in to say there was a problem with one of the toilets. I went to get a bucket of water to pour down the loo if it was a blockage and our plunger.

However, it wasn't a blocked toilet...water was pouring out of one of the cisterns and when I took the top off it spouted out like a fountain!

I hurriedly emptied the water from the bucket down the other loo and put it under the cistern to catch the water which was pouring all over the floor. I then rushed back down to the kitchen to call Keith to ask him what to do and get some tea-towels to mop up the flood.

By the time I got back the water had stopped pouring out of the cistern so I flushed it again and it started to leak. I now knew that it would stop so while it was filling the bucket I mopped up the water and then had a look inside the cistern. A small piece of plastic had come away from a pipe so I managed to fit it back on and then flushed the loo again. This time it worked and there was no gushing of water everywhere!

I spent the next ten minutes mopping up all the water and emptying the smelly nappy bins and when I ventured back to the office I saw Keith drive up in his car. He was a bit annoyed that I'd managed to fix it as he'd made a wasted journey!

Anyway, he stayed with us for a while and even helped out in the kitchen!

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