Thursday 25 July 2013

Things get a little fraught...

We were busier today as the morning was damp and grey. By the afternoon, though, the sun had come out and it was uncomfortably hot again. I'd swapped cars with Keith this morning and had forgotten to bring my office key so when I returned from having my eyebrows shaped at the Virgin beauty salon I couldn't get into the office as Mum and Dad had gone home for the day.

Sophie threw a wobbler as her bag was in the office so I said I'd go home, get the keys and come back. Grrr! At home, Keith volunteered to drive back while I started packing Mikey's things for Army Camp...wonderful!

To say things became a little fraught is an understatement! Mikey insisted that he didn't need a suitcase but there was no way he was going to get all his stuff into the rucksack he'd borrowed. His boots and sleeping bag took up most of the room! Keith arrived back home and started freaking out about what we'd done and then became very stressed when Mikey said he didn't need a suitcase, even though it blatantly stated on his kit list that he had to have one!

To calm things down, I suggested we call on Mikey's commanding officer who lives a couple of doors away. He was happy to help and said that a suitcase was definitely needed! He needed enough clothes and his full uniform to last the whole week so we returned home, finished packing and then went and had a well-deserved drink in the garden! Phew...thank goodness that's over!

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