Monday 4 February 2013

Stressed? Me?

The school run, always a pain, has become even more stressful as there are roadworks going on in the middle of a village on our route to school, and this morning Sophie and I were stuck in the traffic for over 20 minutes. Keith stayed at home as Mikey, exhausted by his shopping trip yesterday, couldn't face leaving the house and spent all day lolling about on the sofa and making demands on his Dad.

Mum and Dad were stuck in the traffic as well, and we all arrived at work within minutes of each other which made me feel a bit better as I was convinced I was going to be way behind them!

Most of the morning was spent reading comments about our business on the local newspaper's website as the story was posted about the new Play Centre due to open. Of course, there was the usual nasty comment left anonymously, but overall people were as surprised as we were that the woman who was planning to open the new place had said there was nowhere for her children to play. I had a feeling that this would happen, and I even posted a message on our business Facebook page which prompted lots more supportive comments. It does annoy me, though, that people don't have the guts to come and tell us if they have a problem with the service we offer. It's so cowardly to run somewhere down without even having to put your real name.

All of us spent the afternoon cleaning (as usual) and then it was off to the gym where we didn't have the happiest of experiences! The place was busy (New Year's Resolutions) and three men were fooling about in the spa, making real nuisances of themselves! We did manage to have a swim, though, and I enjoyed a lovely hot shower afterwards.

Back home, Mikey was feeling a bit better so it's definitely off to school tomorrow...and it's Keith's turn!

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