Saturday 16 February 2013

Back to work!

Well, I thought my working week was over, but Sophie called me at 3pm to say that we'd run out of drinks and could I go to Booker? I'd had a busy morning thoroughly washing my car inside and out, but I preferred going this afternoon rather than in the morning so I dashed into work, picked Soph up and we drove down to Booker.

As the boot of my car is not that big, I had to be careful what I bought, but I managed to get everything in and we headed back to the madhouse! As a treat, we went to Boots where I treated myself to some new make-up and a pot of lovely moisturiser and then we popped into Costa Coffee for a Creamy Cooler (Sophie) and a tea for me, accompanied by a slice of cake. I think we deserved it!

Our evening meal was a not a roaring success. Keith and I are almost at our wits end at the moment, trying to come up with meals that all four of us will like, and I'd decided to cook a beef, courgette and potato bake, which didn't go down very well with the kids! They looked at the courgettes as if they were poison and I don't think Sophie ate much at all. Oh well...we will keep on trying!

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