Sunday 3 February 2013

Arrrggh! Shopping with Mikey!

Today was the day when we took Mikey to Milton Keynes to get him some new clothes, and was it long overdue! To make matters worse, the poor boy had a terrible cough and cold and wasn't really in the mood to go traipsing around the shops!

However, the need for new clothes was urgent, and there was no way I was going to attempt to buy him some things without him being with me! It would probably have meant another trip back to Milton Keynes to take them all back!

To get our strength up for the expedition we had lunch first at Caffe Italia which was delicious...Caesar ciabattas with a side portion of scrumptious French fries. Then it was off to M&S for new school trousers and shirts which wasn't the easiest of tasks as Mikey kept wanting to sit down and rest! Eventually I parked him in the cafe and queued up for fifteen minutes for a drink and a cookie for him but he wouldn't stay while I went to fetch my mum and followed me back down to the ground floor!

From M&S we popped into Boots to buy him some cold and flu relief tablets and then we spent an hour in River Island, kitting him out with tee-shirts, a couple of shirts, a new hoodie, jeans and shorts! Oh, and Mum bought him some shoes as well! Lucky Mikey!

By this time we were all gasping for a drink so it was off to John Lewis's new Espresso Bar where we had a welcome sit-down and a drink, except Sophie who had a sublime Banana cheesecake. This has undergone a major change from when it was The Place To Eat, and although I'm not a fan of the rest of the changes in the store, I did like the calm and restful atmosphere as we looked out over the large space in front of the shop, currently hosting a wedding exhibition.

We dragged poor Mikey all the way back to the multi-storey car park and then it was home to show off his new clothes to his Dad who'd had a very relaxing day on his own!

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