Monday 11 February 2013

I lose my cool...

Well, we awoke to a fair covering of snow this morning, but again, not enough to stop me from getting into work. We fully expected a quiet day as it was both a Monday and a snowy day but how wrong we were!

Unfortunately I lost my cool with three customers who parked their cars outside two of our Fire Exits. I called out the registration plates of the cars on our tannoy, and although two were very apologetic (one look at my face said it all) the third never did move their car which made it very difficult for people with pushchairs to get in and out of the building. Huh!

After work I dashed off to pick Sophie up from the cinema and then it was off to the gym for a very quiet swim. Swimming lessons are off all this week and Soph and I almost had the pool to ourselves! I arrived home to find my husband still in residence as his evening at the pub with Dave had been cancelled. Both of us are trying to give up alcohol until our holiday at the end of March and tonight was hard! After my busy day at work I really did fancy a lovely glass of wine, but I settled for a few glasses of sparkling water instead!

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