Sunday 5 June 2011

Relaxed Sunday

I had a very late start today, probably because I was up until 1am last night and watching A Place in the Sun - Home or Away!

We had a very relaxed Sunday which has been lovely. In the afternoon I persuaded Sophie to come to the garden centre with mum and me and we chose some trailing plants for the very tall and narrow cabinet that Keith put up in the garden for me. It used to be in Soph's bedroom but I thought it would look good in the garden either as a mirror or shelving. There are eight little shelves so we chose small trailing plants to sit on them and I'm really pleased with the result. Once all the flowers start cascading down it should look beautiful. I will post pics!

Back home we caught up with the final of the French Open as Nadal and Federer were playing. It was still recording as we started watching and I really thought at first that Federer was going to win, but it wasn't to be. I was hoping for a titanic match like a couple of years ago at Wimbledon, but Nadal was much the better player today!

After dinner we watched The Tourist with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp which was very good and pure escapist fun!


Emma Wilson said...

Definitely sounds like a good realxing sunday

Janie said...

It was!