Saturday 4 June 2011

Friday 3 June

Today was a bit of a change as mum and dad took the day off and I went into work with Keith and the children. I'd forgotten I had an appointment with the police at 8.30am, to make a statement about the burglary, so when she called to find out where I was, I was mortified! Luckily she was very understanding so Keith opened up for me while I sat and went through what happened. The police have managed to obtain some DNA from the blood that was left behind and we're hoping that they will make an arrest.

Just as the policewoman was leaving, the Loss Adjustor from our insurance company arrived so I was beginning to wish that mum and dad hadn't taken the day off! He went through our claim and we should get a bit of money back, which was good news.

At lunchtime I treated the family to lunch at Subway. Sophie had been hankering to go and it was OK. As I'm on a health kick I just had turkey and salad but the children had their roll stuffed with meat balls! When we left the place was heaving!

The whole family went to Booker today to do the weekly big shop for work but the children weren't much help! They sat on the trolley for most of the time which just added to the weight!

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