Sunday 19 June 2011

Clearing up,,,again.

We treated the children to a McDonald's breakfast as we had to go into work and sort out the grill on the window. Keith managed to put it back into place and secure it with the old screws until we could buy new ones. Sophie was asked to work so we all went home and while she was showering, Keith and I popped over to B&Q in Kettering to buy some things to fix the window.

The hardware aisle in any DIY shop must be the most scintillating place on earth...not! We wandered up and down until I - note it was me and not Keith! - found the screws we needed. We also bought a padlock and chain to secure the two waste bins together as the burglars had used our big recycling wheelie bin to lever themselves up to the window. Back home we collected Sophie, drove into work and Keith managed to screw all six fastenings into the wall so at least that's secure.

After grabbing something to eat and a much needed cup of coffee, I spent the next few hours doing essential housework before it was time to fetch Sophie again. I've been through a tank of diesel like nothing on earth over the last few days!

I finished cleaning and went and had a lovely, relaxing bath. I deserved that as well!

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