Thursday 9 June 2011

A little bit of weight loss!

I weighed myself on Wednesday morning and was delighted to see I'd lost 3lbs! Yippee! And that was without really depriving myself at my evening meal and having a couple of glasses of wine at the weekend! I must admit it's hard not having a glass of wine in the evening after work as I really do like the taste of wine, but at least I can look forward to indulging a wee bit at the weekend.

I need to start doing more exercise now and I'm thinking of maybe joining the gym with mum. About 9 years ago I lost a lot of weight and exercise definitely helped but I do get bored on the machines at the gym, much preferring to walk or swim, so we'll see. 

Things have been pretty quiet on the work front lately. We still haven't heard from the police about our visitors last month so we're keeping fingers crossed that they did arrest someone. It would be a change after all these years to have someone accounting for what they did here!


Anonymous said...

Hi Janie,

Well done in the weight loss.I can reccomend getting a rebounder/trampette but not a cheap one{Tesco's ones squeak}as I have one and have managed to lose three stone in the last eighteen months.Much cheaper than a gym subscription and also biking is good for you and free after the initial outlay of buying the bike...

Janie said...

Many thanks! You must be delighted with your weight loss as well...three stone is great! Very good idea about the biking and I would prefer this to going to the gym!

Janie :)