Thursday 10 February 2011

Wednesday 9 February - first daffodils.

It's a sure sign that Spring is in the air when the first daffodils are on sale, so I bought a large bunch today to brighten up our living room windowsill. Very soon, when Keith and I go for a walk over the fields, we'll be able to see them on the banks of the stream in all their glory! Is there a more perfect image of Spring than that?

Yesterday was quiet at work which is always a bit worrying...we tend to think that customers have suddenly abandoned us, but I think it had more to do with the mild temperatures and sunshine!


Rick Watson said...

Ours are poking their heads up but no flowers yet.
We're anxiously waiting.

Janie said...

It's the same here in the garden. I really can't wait to see the flowers everywhere and breathe a sigh of relief that winter is over!