Thursday 3 February 2011

A little bit of relaxation!

Mum and I went to one of the local Wholesaler's we use today to get some bits for work and while we were there we noticed a sign saying it was a stress-free day. When we asked what it was all about they said that for a £1 donation towards the Samaritan's charity, we could have ten minutes on the massage chair with a hot drink and biscuits thrown in!! Well, that's my idea of relaxation, so after we did our shopping we went into a little room they'd decorated with photos of tropical beaches, candles and soothing music. We both sat down in the massage chairs, put our feet on a bumpy massage pad and enjoyed ten minutes of tranquil bliss! It felt really strange having imaginary hands kneading our backs but it was very relaxing, even if it did make us giggle a bit!

Having that ten minutes was lovely because today has been another busy day and this week has flown by in the wink of an eye. I can't believe it's Friday tomorrow and yet another week has disappeared!

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