Monday 7 February 2011

Getting toasty...

Our new heaters for work were almost installed today...hopefully they should be fully functioning by tomorrow evening so the building will be a lot warmer! There was a fair bit of mess and upheaval today but it'll all be worth it when they're giving off lovely warm air and we won't have to hire expensive gas heaters any more.

It's been very windy again today and when I went out to tidy up the car park I was almost blown away! The weather in this country never fails to amaze me because it could be windy and mild one day and cold and still the next! I am looking forward to the Spring now, though, and there are little signs everywhere that it's not far off. I can see little buds on the trees and bushes and our daffodils are pushing their green shoots through the soil so maybe the worst really is over!

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