Monday, 3 March 2025

A sunny Monday

As predicted, Sophie didn't go to the gym this morning and we sat with a coffee and watched Michael Portillo in Portugal. In the first episode, he was in Porto and the city looked gorgeous. Outside, the sun was shining again so it made for a lovely start to our working week.

I love seeing the sun at this time of year, but it was low on the horizon when I drove to work making it difficult when it was directly in front of me. In Holcot, as I emerged from "cut-throat" alley, I couldn't see at all!

Sara was off again today, so I concentrated on the emails and had a busy shift. The day flew by! I sped home in the sunshine and pootled about until Sophie arrived home. Although the days are sunny and definitely a bit warmer, the nights are still cold and we put the heating on and lit the fire in the living room to take the chill off.

Keith and I played cards and we enjoyed Sophie's chicken and mushroom pie for dinner. It was a Hairy Bikers recipe and was delicious! We had put puff pastry on the bottom of the pie as well, and we'll definitely do that again!

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