Tuesday 6 December 2022

Christmas preparations.

We now have new neighbours - they moved in yesterday - so I asked Keith to drop a card around to say hello and give them details of our residents' Facebook page. I wrote out some of my Christmas cards on Sunday using some leftover from last year but I need to get some more this week. I know I've missed the last posting date for the USA so I'll send my friend Julia an e-card from Jacquie Lawson instead. Talking of which, I downloaded her gorgeous Advent calendar and it's a real treat to look at every day.

We had a meeting at work today so poor Sheila was left alone to answer the phones for nearly two hours. She looked very frazzled when we returned! It was great to get home and look forward to a day off tomorrow, although I'm taking Mum shopping to Rushden Lakes so it might not be as relaxing as I imagine!

Keith went to see Sileby play this evening and he wrapped up well against the chill. We are facing a cold snap for the next few days with the "Troll from Trondheim" blasting us with an icy freeze! Sophie and I enjoyed a delicious meatball pasta dish with cheesy flatbread. Yum! We also indulged in Christmas with the Kranks, always a seasonal favourite! I then decided to watch Trading Places afterwards, with a much more youthful Jamie Lee Curtis and Dan Ackroyd!

Keith returned from the football to a plate of oven chips... we had them in the freezer this time!

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