Friday 23 December 2022

A mini shopping trip.

All the days this week have felt the same so it was a surprise that today was Friday! This week has certainly flown over, and I'm really hoping that next week when we're in Berlin, will be a lot better.

Sophie finished work today at 1pm and the plan had been to go to Market Harborough. Outside, the weather was horrible - a constant cold rain and heavy grey skies. We set off and it did look a bit brighter on the horizon!

We had some lunch first at Louisa's Place. A tuna mayo jacket potato for me and a club sandwich for Sophie. Once that was done, we had a look in the charity shops but Sophie didn't see anything she liked. I was hoping that Market Harborough would be a bit festive but it wasn't... I'm sure one year, a while ago, I went and it was all decked out in twinkly lights and Christmas trees? I'm sure each shop had its own mini tree above the door but obviously, cutbacks have done for that! For some reason, (most probably connected to Monty) I really don't feel very Christmassy this year. We have received hardly any cards (the postal strike hasn't helped), and I definitely feel that the goodwill aspect of the season is sorely missing, which seems very sad when now is the time that we all need some kindness and compassion.

Sophie and I had a look in the shops, but neither of us was in the mood, and The Attic was closed, so we decided to call it a day and go home. Once home, we relaxed and I started watching Edwards Scissorhands but fell asleep again!

Keith went to the pub in the evening and Sophie and I enjoyed a glass of wine and the film, Witness, which was very enjoyable. Sophie also has a cold now, so both of us are sniffling and coughing. Not what we need at this time of year! I just hope we feel a lot better before we go to Berlin!

After we'd eaten, Keith and I cheered ourselves up with University Challenge and amazingly, the two of us scored just five points lower than the Oxford winning team by attaining 145 points! I know the questions are slightly easier for the alumni than the regular students, but we were thrilled, and I didn't even go to University, let alone Oxford (I wish!). We then watched Never Mind the Buzzcocks, which was hilarious and sent us to bed in a good mood!

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