Sunday 21 April 2013

Sobering up...

After all the excitement of the last couple of evenings, it was back down to earth with a bump today when Mum and I drove down to Kent to see Nan in hospital. We had an excellent journey down and went to her flat first to tidy up and have lunch.

Again, it was a beautiful day and it was horrible having to go into the confines of the hospital which still had the heating on! Fresh air is what people need! Nan wasn't as bad as we feared but she still had difficulty hearing us and her speech was a bit thicker than normal as she has a lung infection. She was pleased to see us and when we left at 4pm I felt terribly guilty but at least she's better off there than on her own in her flat.

We sped back and I was sitting with a glass of wine at just after 6pm, listening to the tales of woe from my son who had NOT enjoyed his Army Cadet Training weekend. He said he hated it from the moment he arrived on Friday night until the moment he boarded the bus to come home, so he might appreciate us all a bit more from now on! As Keith had picked him up I didn't get the chance to see how dirty he was or how famished he was (he demolished a whole pizza when he got home) but he was extremely affectionate for the rest of the evening and I think he realises how good he has it at home with us!

All of us were in bed by 9.30pm as we were totally shattered! What a weekend!

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