Monday 29 April 2013

Accident prone!

I'm not sure what's up with me, but it's certainly been one of those days!

First thing this morning I heated some milk up for my coffee in a mug and burned my finger quite badly when I took it out of the microwave. I had two blisters appear and it hurt like crazy! Just what I need!

From then on, I've dropped things, spilt things and just generally been clumsy so it's a good job I haven't been handling any priceless objects!

I had a busy day as Mum and Dad aren't at work this week so I've been rushing around like a mad thing trying to get everything done and the cleaning definitely took a back seat! Maybe that was a good thing as I'd probably have spilt some chemical on the floor and caused untold amounts of damage!

Sophie didn't want to go to the gym this evening (maybe the life guard was on early shift?) so we went home and she pretended to revise...hmmm!

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