Wednesday 17 April 2013

Facing facts.

My Nan is not very well at all and we honestly think that she is not long for this life. At 93 we knew she wouldn't go on forever, but it's still a shock when we have to face up to life's inevitabilities. I can only hope that I get to a ripe old age as well, but I think she's ready to go now as she doesn't have a great quality of life.

Mum and Dad drove down to see her today and Mum told me that she wasn't well and was looking very ill indeed. My Grandad died in 1987 which seems a long, long time ago, so she's been without him for almost 30 years. I think it's time they were reunited.

Sophie and I went to the gym in the evening and slowly got back into our routine. I managed 10 minutes on the crosstrainer and a paltry 5 minutes on the treadmill before Sophie appeared and wanted to go downstairs for a swim and a session in the spa. After a busy (and stressful day) it was lovely to be able to relax for a while!

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