Saturday 27 April 2013

Being social

It was back to a normal Saturday today as Sophie went to work and Keith and I popped to Jones's to get some bits for the house (including a new quilt cover to replace the one Keith spilled red wine over!). Today has been much chillier than of late and going out into the garden certainly didn't appeal!

In the evening we went over to Liam and Sarah's house for a very sociable get-together with our neighbours, the first time we had all been together since last September...where have all the months gone? Max greeted us at the door and he's really looking like an old dog now, bless him. He hobbled over to say hello and we had a lovely cuddle.

We had a great evening with some excellent wines, even though it wasn't a Wine Tasting! It was great to catch up with what everyone had been doing and there was much talk of holidays - past and present -  and teenage children!

We arrived home to find James, the lifeguard, entwined with my daughter on the sofa, both of them asleep...fully clothed I'm pleased to report!

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