Tuesday 23 August 2011

Uniform buying in Milton Keynes

Well, the weather forecast was certainly right today as we woke up to cloudy grey skies and by 9am it was raining. The plan was to go to Milton Keynes to get new school uniform for Mikey as he needed a blazer, new trousers and new shirts. I'm sure the rest of the population of Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire were also in John Lewis with exactly the same idea!

Still, it was good to get the job done and Mikey didn't make too much of a fuss as I hustled him into the changing rooms to try on his shirts and trousers. He's at the stage now where any parental attention is deeply mortifying and I wasn't allowed to stay inside the changing room with him as he was "perfectly able to get undressed and dressed on my own, MUM!"

After buying all we needed, we met Sophie at the YooMoo stand, only to be told they had none of the chocolate frozen yoghurt as it was up by "the beach" outside John Lewis... So off we traipsed again to the big open area outside the department store which had been turned into an impromptu beach complete with sand, deckchairs and a crazy golf course. As you can imagine on a wet day in the school holidays it was heaving with mums and their hordes of children (no dogs today, though!). We were told by the YooMoo lady that she didn't have any chocolate frozen yoghurt as that was available on their main stand! I nearly exploded when she said that and told her, through gritted teeth, that we'd just been sent to the beach outlet as they'd said exactly the same thing on the other stand! I was mollified a bit, though, by my tub of vanilla yoghurt adorned with strawberries which was delicious and the children got over their addiction to the chocolate flavour so everyone was happy in the end!

We did a bit more shopping and then went home where we had a very relaxing evening doing very little - I think I may have had a nap at some point!

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