Tuesday 9 August 2011

Monday 8 August

Monday was another pleasant day weatherwise and the forecast rain didn't arrive until I was driving home. It was a short-lived affair, though, so I went out and mowed our lawn and tidied everything up, a task that was long overdue. It all looked so much better when I'd finished and I was really pleased that I'd been out to do it. We haven't spent a great deal of time in the garden this summer and I'll be the first to admit I've neglected things a bit. There will be some culling to do in the Autumn!

Keith and I watched in shock, later in the evening, the terrible riots happening in London. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, to be honest, and wondered what on earth has happened to this country. I think it's time to crack down hard on these people who have destroyed homes and businesses but I'm not sure this will happen, despite the public calling for tough measures. At times I feel like we put up with the fear they instil in all of us as it's the easy option and what we could with is a tough leader who doesn't put up with any nonsense!

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