Wednesday 17 August 2011

Tuesday 16 August

It was back to work today which was a bit of a shock but the consolation is I have a short week this week, no work at all next week and another short week the week after!

After work Sophie and I went for a walk over the fields and this time the horses came over to say hello so we fed them some carrots. They weren't keen on my Polo mints so Sophie and I ate them as we walked! We met our neighbour who was out walking Max and we had a chat about her holiday in the US. The time has flown by over the last few weeks and I can't  believe they've been and gone! We're over half way through the summer holidays and before we know it, it'll be Autumn, the signs of which I'm seeing already in the hedgerows. I've spotted blackberries, sloes and one of the trees was shedding its leaves already!

Back home I had a glass of wine, as I saw an article in the paper which was slightly worrying. It said that a lot of people were giving up alcohol during the week and then drinking at the weekend but this seemed to alter the rhythms of the heart, making some people susceptible to a heart attack or stroke. I have to admit I do go a bit mad at the weekend and have more than I should so from now on, rather than have my weekly allowance over Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I'm going to go for a daily tipple!


Anonymous said...

Belated Happy Anniversary Jane...and well done with the decorating, always great to get it over with!


Janie said...

Thanks favie! It's just the rest of the house needs doing now!