Friday 8 April 2011

Spring cleaning!

Half of today has been spent giving the house a good clean and changing all the beds. It wasn't all work, though, as we escaped to the pub at lunchtime for a snack and a drink, which was very relaxing. The warm sunshine had brought lots of people out and we had Sophie with us as she had a training day at school. Poor old Mikey was still stuck in the classroom, but they did have an early Easter Egg Hunt to make up for being cooped up indoors on a beautiful day!

In the late afternoon, Sophie and I made the trip into town to go to the beauty salon where Sophie had false nails put on for her Birthday treat from my mum. I managed to avoid the Denis Healy look again by having my eyebrows shaped. I was very envious of Sophie's nails when she had them done - they were very natural looking and the therapist had just coloured them a delicate shade of pink with a clear varnish over the top. Now she'll have to look after them!

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