Monday 4 April 2011


This afternoon Sophie, Mikey and me had an appointment with the dentist. Normally, I'm OK about going but today it was a thoroughly unpleasant experience. Firstly, there were no spaces in the car park, then the children decided to wind each other up. As soon as I picked up a magazine to read, we were called in and Sophie stood there thumbs flicking over the keypad on her new phone, which drove me mad! Thank goodness she won't be taking the bloomin' thing on holiday!

The two children were seen to and then it was my turn. My dentist always gives me a scale and polish but today the Nurse stuck the sucker thing right into my mouth and I just knew I was going to gag, which I did. Ever since I had the children, I've been very funny about cleaning my teeth and I still have to be careful about having the toothbrush in my mouth otherwise I feel sick. It was a trigger for my morning sickness and after eleven years, nothing has changed!

I got up very thankfully from the dentist's chair, eyes streaming, but with nice clean gnashers!

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