Tuesday 26 April 2011

Down to earth with a bump!

This morning, after 10 hours sleep, I felt a lot better! The children went off to school very reluctantly and I caught a lift into work with mum and dad as one of Keith's tyres on his car was almost flat and he needed my car to get to the shops. They had told me yesterday that the warm and sunny weather had meant we'd had one of our worst Easters ever, business-wise, but that we'd managed to rent out the gym space to a local business for storage, which had helped a little bit.

As today was a training day for some children we were quite busy and the weather turned overcast and bloomin' chilly! I had to wear my fleece when we went over to the bank! Brrrr!!

Now we are back and removed from our wonderful holiday bubble, we have a long list of things we have to do. The windscreen on my car has a long crack in it which needs to be fixed (I suspect it was a faulty windscreen in the first place as it was replaced only a few months ago) and it's due for an MOT soon. The payroll at work needs updating and we have to complete the end of year returns which I'd forgotten all about! The garden resembles a jungle and we need a new lawnmower so that will have to be sorted out at the weekend. Plus, I vowed that when I returned from holiday I would start to use my Fridays off to decorate...hmmm!

Do I wish I was still in Florida? You bet I do!

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