Thursday 7 April 2011

School dinner!

I had a lovely experience today when I was invited to Mikey's school for a "banquet". Mikey hadn't really told me what to expect, just that I had to be there at lunchtime and that he had made spaghetti bolognese, even though I'd chosen to have pizza. The children had been taking part in a Personal Interest Project and Mikey had chosen cooking, which was great!

I took my seat with the other mums, dads and grandparents and studied the handwritten menu. We started with butternut squash soup with croutons, followed by the meal of our choice and then finished with assorted tartlets and tea or coffee served with handmade sweets. The entire meal was made from scratch (even the pasta and pizza bases) and it was fantastic. The children served the meals themselves, cleared away the plates and they were brilliant. We all had a lovely time and as I wasn't expecting a four course meal, it was all the more special!


kitchen princess said...

It is odd how things change, back in my day it was the norm to cook from scratch (I feel do old) we made all the food for school functions in cookery lessons. Everything including vol au vent cases were from scratch. Nice to see it bein brought back.

Janie said...

It was great to see the effort that had gone into the cooking and I hope it does show the children how enjoyable cooking for other people is as we were all very vociferous in our appreciation!