Tuesday 26 April 2011

Monday 25 April - Wiped out!

Well, we finally arrived home on Monday morning, just 24 hours and 50 minutes later than scheduled! Sunday was a long slog waiting around at the airport (Sanford is a lot smaller than Orlando) but the flight seemed a lot shorter than going out and I did manage to sleep for a bit.

Birmingham airport was deserted and Dad was waiting for us in Arrivals. I offered to drive home and promptly missed the turn-off for the M6 so we had a bit of a diversion via Hinckley. I seem to remember doing this after a Florida holiday before, when we ended up in central London, so it must be a jet-lag thing. And talking of jet-lag, yesterday we were all completely wiped out. When we arrived home I felt fine and unpacked all the cases but at about 10am I felt a bit sleepy and that was it...

Mum and Dad had invited us around for a meal which was a good thing as we had nothing in the house at all for dinner. We went around to see them at 2pm and had a lovely lunch sitting outside in the garden as the weather was still gorgeous.

Back home Keith and I kept napping and I couldn't seem to keep my eyes open! We sat down to watch some of the programmes we'd recorded and at 9pm I fell asleep sitting up on the sofa so I think it was time to call it a day and go to bed. Mikey had fallen asleep in our bed and was totally confused, bless him, when I woke him up to get him into his own bed. I don't even remember my head hitting the pillow!


Anonymous said...

Wiped out!!.....it's hanging around airports for a long time, I loathe it, really tires me out.Especially on the way back!! You did well staying up to 9:00!!!
Bet you really enjoyed Mum's cooking yesterday!
Glad the holiday was a huge success.


Janie said...

Thank you Favie! I love hanging around airports at the start of a holiday, loathe it at the end, like you!