Tuesday 13 July 2010

"Sports Day" washout.

It's been a better day today - more relaxed and leisurely than yesterday but the weather has been worse. We had a latte in Costa Coffee first thing and then did a bit of shopping in Tesco. The supermarket was empty and it was lovely to wander about looking at different things to buy. I wouldn't mind food shopping if it was like that all the time!

Next we wandered around Focus looking for grass seed and I saw some more wallpaper for Sophie's room. I also saw a lovely lampshade that would fit the mood of the room perfectly so no doubt I'll be making a trip back there very soon!

Back home we had a leisurely breakfast and then went to a local wholesaler's where I bought a new slow cooker, some wine glasses and a frying pan! Oh, and the grass seed as it was much cheaper! False economy or what!

The Sports Afternoon was a washout. It started off grey and a tiny bit drizzly but half way through the heavens opened and it lashed it down, soaking all the children and half the spectators who couldn't manage to fit into the open shed that was suddenly the most popular place in the playground! The activities carried on regardless but us parents were sent home at 2.45pm as the children went into the hall to dry off and calculate the winners. Needless to say, Mikey's team (the Hares - Go Hares! Go Hares!) were last...oh well, there's always next year!

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