Wednesday 28 July 2010

Food for thought

Choosing our evening meals has now reached crisis point in our household. Poor Keith shops on a Friday or Saturday and before he goes, he asks me what we should have for dinner over the weekend (that's about enough for him to think about without blowing a gasket!). I make a face and groan, because we've got into a rut where we tend to have the same things every week, the children moan about our choices and we all end up bickering.

Last night, after a hot day, we had roast pork for dinner with all the trimmings and at 8.30pm when I was still trying to get burnt on fat off the roasting pan, I was not amused. Tonight (and as it's been cooler today), we had cold meat and salad...

Before dinner, though, we sat down with two big cookery books and a notepad and jotted down some ideas for dinners next week. We asked the children to try different foods and to give us some suggestions of what they'd like to have. Hopefully, we'll inject some fresh ideas into our meals and I'll regain my enthusiasm for dinner. I have to agree with Keith that it's a chore but it shouldn't be like that. We all enjoy good food and eating out so there's no reason why we can't have the enjoyable eating out experience at home...Well, that's the idea anyway!


kitchen princess said...

It gets easier. I'm already thinking about the next fortnight and we've not even finished week 1 :D

Janie said...

I'll bear that in mind! Even after our little discussion the other evening, Keith asked me this morning what I wanted for dinner tonight!!

Anonymous said...

Men eh Jane, what can you do with them? Just to let you klnow its the same with us, if its Monday it must be pasta

Janie said...

Haha! Normally, if it's Friday, it must be fish! ;)