Friday 23 July 2010

Last day at school

The children broke up from school today, much to their relief. This year the holidays are much shorter than last year when they had seven weeks! Luckily, two of those were spent in France, but this year we'll be at home although I'm hoping we may be able to get away for a day or two when I'm off from the 16th August.

I always feel a tinge of sadness at the end of term and for some reason I view the new term in September as the start of a new year. I've no idea why! It just seems like September is for new beginnings and for Year 6 chidlren today, they'll be going to a new school in the Autumn and making new friends. This time next year, Mikey will be among them, but at least he'll have a sibling at his new school.

When I was a child, the long summer holidays used to stretch out endlessly, but as an adult the time will fly and before long it'll be Autumn and then we all know what will start to rear its ugly head!


kitchen princess said...

The little girl over the road from us has already been off for a week, yet the other neighbours kids seem to have finished today. Quieter roads for 6 weeks. It is so noticeable here. Hope you have a fun Summer holidays.

Janie said...

Thank you! I have three weeks to work and then I'm off for two weeks so hopefully we'll have some sun!

Have a great summer as well!