Sunday 4 July 2010

My hero!

Today I have a confession to make. I wasn't going to say anything, but it's a good story (well, I think it is!) so here we go...

I was woken at just after 5am this morning by Keith standing at the window and opening the curtains wide. When I asked what he was doing, he said he could hear a house alarm going off. On our estate, the noise really carries and it sounded like it was coming from behind our house. I went downstairs as I'm looking after a neighbour's house and I was worried it could be coming from there...which it was. I flew back upstairs, hurriedly got dressed and went to get the key to their house...only it wasn't there...

In a panic I remembered we'd been into their house to water the plants and I'd put the key in the pocket of my jeans, which had since been washed! The jeans were in the ironing key. I went to the washing machine and took out the key. Back upstairs and in the laundry key. All the while the alarm was going "WEE WAH, WEE WAH, WEE WAH" and must have woken up quite a few of our neighbours!

I shouted for Keith and went and searched under the washing line.. . no key. By now I was in a state of utter panic but luckily the noise stopped which gave us a few moments to calm down and think about where it could be...

I was convinced it was in the washing machine but there was no way we could remove the drum and check underneath. I have to admit to the same thing happening a few years ago with the same neighbours! We had to call the washing machine repair man out and it was the key that was causing the problems! Had history repeated itself?

I spent a very miserable couple of hours deciding what to do. My only option was to phone my friends and confess all in the hope that one of their family had a spare key. Luckily they have no animals or fish to feed and the plants had been given a good water. 

I was sitting on the sofa in a state of misery and guilt when Keith's face appeared at the window...he stuck his tongue out at me and then beckoned me to follow him. Hope leapt in me and I raced out of the house and over to our neighbours...Keith had this silly grin on his face and with a flourish, opened the door with the key he held in his hand!! I was so relieved I whooped with delight and danced a little jig of joy! He was my hero!!

But where had the key been? It was in a drawer in a cabinet in our bathroom and I have no idea how it got there. I certainly have no recollection of putting it there as I would have returned it to its normal home downstairs. The children never put things away and when questioned knew nothing about it. Keith had been looking for the nail clippers when he found it and was as amazed as I was when the key fitted the door! I was just over the moon it had been found and I didn't have to contact my friends and worry them!

The rest of the day was great - we glossed the woodwork in Sophie's room and then put everything back, including the new quilt cover and her new pictures. Keith even managed to hang the television on the wall which looks so much better and gives Sophie more room. Mum and Dad called in on their way home from Scarborough where they'd spent the weekend and thought it all looked great!

It's been really windy today - perfect for drying all the bedding, but really damaging to our tender veggie plants so I took them into the conservatory to protect them.

Tonight I am feeling rather tired! No wonder!

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