Saturday 13 February 2010


I really had to knuckle down and do some today and all three beds needed changing. I don't mind housework when I'm in the mood, I just find it so demoralising. I mean, no sooner is it done, then it needs doing again!

I woke this morning and Keith told me that someone in the UK had won £56 million on the Euromillions lottery, but that they hadn't come forward yet. I had a moment of dreaming what I'd do with the money if it happened to be me, but after breakfast I found out it wasn't. Top of my list would be to employ someone to clean. I am lucky in that Keith does a lot, but he's not keen on dusting and changing the bedsheets so that's left to me. I just think that sometimes life is too short to be cleaning all the time, yet I love the house being clean and tidy!

Anyway...all my little jobs are done now but I have to vacuum the car tomorrow as the inside resembles a muddy field. It was so cold today (officially freezing when I drove back from town) and I didn't fancy grappling with the hoover in the chill wind.

Next week I'll be clearing up other people's mess - now that does make me mad!


Anonymous said...

Hi Janie,
I think we would all pay someone to do our housework for us if we won £56 Million on the lottery lol,except I actually do housework for a few of the ladies in our village and I alwys think it is like painting the forth road bridge,never

Have you ever been to Olney for Antique browsing?We used to go quiet often but haven't been there for a few years since we moved house.Woburn is nice although a bit of a trek for us now....

Janie said...


Yes, we used to go to Olney a lot, especially on our Sunday afternoon jaunts and it was great to browse the antique shops but they all seem to have disappeared lately. I think there's one left in the main square. The other shops seem to have gone over to designer handbags and clothes and trinkets. There is a great cafe though which is always good for afternoon tea!

Janie :)