Thursday 11 February 2010

Feeling shattered.

I had a disturbed night last night. For some reason, my left hip is killing me and the pain has stayed with me all day. I couldn't get comfortable in bed at all and got up at 1.30am to take some Nurofen. I really don't need this sort of pain with half-term next week!

So tonight I had a warm bath and now feel really sleepy. Keith made a delicious soup for dinner and used lots of vegetables for it, such as swede, parsnip, carrot and potato. We ate it with some lovely granary bread and it made a great change from a full meal.

It's been bitterly cold today but we've had no snow, even though there's been a light dusting on the ground. As usual I can't believe that it's Friday again tomorrow and yet another week has disappeared!


Anonymous said...

Hi Janie,

Sorry to hear about your painful hip.all part of the ageing process I am afraid.I often get hip pains and it is usually due to me putting all my weight on the side of the aching hip when out walking which we don't realise we are doing until we get the pain.

I find Devil's Claw very good for joint pains and it is a natural anti inflamority{sp}

Your soup sounds really nice especially as it was home made.

Have a good day

Janie said...

Thank you very much for that - I will try it. I have a feeling it's arthritis which runs in our family...

I feel a lot better today after a good night's sleep!

Hope you also have a good day!

Janie :)