Thursday 18 February 2010

Another loooooong day...

Well, today has certainly not been dull here! I phoned Keith first thing and he told me that he was going to stay in Oxford for the next few days as they were going to try the angioplasty again but he obviously had to wait for other patients to be seen. I went into work with the children and luckily today we had more staff in so I didn't have to work in the kitchen. Mum and I went to Booker, which was a fun experience as when I came out to load the car it was snowing...

Back at work we were busy and then Keith rang...he was able to come out after all and would ring later with the time I could pick him up from Oxford...gazing out of the window at the steadily falling snow, my heart missed a beat!

Driving was horrible. I always take it slowly in the snow, but even so, I managed to go into a skid twice which terrified me. I borrowed mum and dad's SatNav which got us to the John Radcliffe without a wrong turn, but it almost took me longer to find a space in the car park and the Coronary Care Unit than to drive from Northampton to Oxford!

Keith was mightily relieved to be home but he has to go back to Oxford on Monday for another angioplasty and has to be there for 7.30am. In the meantime he has to take it easy and has warned me that hoovering and ironing carries a health warning...Yeah!!

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