Wednesday 27 September 2023

Storm Agnes

Storm Agnes has struck today, the first named storm of the 23/24 season. It hasn't really affected us here in Northamptonshire, but it has been breezy, with the odd shower. The other names this year are:

Babet, Ciaran, Debi, Elin, Fergus, Gerrit, Henk, Isha, Jocelyn, Kathleen, Lilian, Minnie, Nicholas, Olga, Piet, Regina, Stuart, Tamiko, Vincent and Walid.

Keith made an appointment for me this morning at the surgery to see the nurse about my shoulder. I suspect it's the rotator cuff, and maybe all the driving I did has aggravated it. I always have a little pain in my right shoulder, but this is in a different league!

I was supposed to be taking my Mum to Woodlands Hospital this morning for a follow-up appointment, but she had her Covid jab a couple of days ago and she seems to have reacted badly to it again. She called me early to ask me to cancel the appointment, which was handy as I was then able to go to the surgery. Honestly! I should be full of beans and rested after a two-week holiday!

Sophie was working from home today and she was thankful that the conservatory was cooler! Keith drove me to the surgery and I had to wait about forty-five minutes to be seen. The nurse examined me thoroughly and listened to my chest before confirming what I suspected. She said to take painkillers and rest, which is what I intend to do!

I bought some more painkillers and some cold pads in the chemist in Brixworth and we returned home to have sausage baps for breakfast. I sat with Sophie and read the newspapers, which was lovely. I spent the rest of the day pottering about and trying not to use my right hand, which was quite difficult! I discovered I could narrate my blog on my phone which was very handy! The last two entries were therefore not written, but spoken!

Sophie went to see Vikesh in the evening and Keith cooked a delicious cottage pie for us. I volunteered to clear up as Newcastle were playing again and Keith was itching to go and watch the match! 

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