Tuesday 26 September 2023

In pain!

My shoulder and back were even worse this morning when I woke up and answering emails at work was very painful. During my lunch break, I called the doctors to see if I could get in and see one of the GPs but I was given a physio appointment for next Wednesday. If the pain gets worse I’ll have to try and make another appointment.

It was great to get out at 4pm and go home to relax. The only time I didn’t have any pain was when I was sitting on the sofa! Poor Sophie had to make dinner tonight as Keith was out watching Sileby play football. It was an opportunity for us to cook jerk chicken pasta for dinner, but Sophie had to do all the preparation, poor thing. She made a very good job of the meal, though, and it was spicy and hot!

We watched Fake or Fortune this evening and learned a lot about the sculptures of Elizabeth Frink, someone I’d never heard of before. I won't give away the ending, but we both found it riveting!

Keith returned from the football looking a little chilled and ate the overcooked chips we’d prepared for him… I don’t think he was very happy despite Sileby winning this evening! We’re going to have to treat him as I feel we’ve neglected him lately!

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